
Hot Wine

This is a recipe my grandfather used to make all the time while it was cold outside.
He believed this could cure a nasty cold.

I remember as a child, having a small cup all for myself, I used to dip this Sweet Walnut Bread in it and wished it will never finish, very delicious combination.
Up until I was 8 years old, grandpa gave me a shot glass with wine for lunch and dinner... the older I got, the glass got taller :))

How to make hot wine:
Take 1 cup of red wine per person, 2 teaspoons sugar per cup, a small piece of cinnamon stick and 2 cloves.

Place everything in a pot and bring to a boil until is frothy, just like in the picture below.

Place in a cup and serve as hot as you can.
Perfect served with roasted salted nuts.


  1. ce delicatesa pentru o zi geroasa!la tine e vreodata frig,cuisinette?

  2. Da, draga mea... iarna este frig dar nu prea ninge in oras, ninge doar pe munte care nu este departe de noi. Se vede de pe balcon.

    Sotul meu s-a obisnuit cu vinul fiert si il facem ori de cite ori intra frigul la oase, mai ales de cind am inceput sa imbatranim :))

    La inceput a crezut ca glumesc, el nu a auzit niciodata de vin fiert, dar dupa prima cana si-a schimbat parerea.

  3. si Austria vinul fiert e la rang de cinste :), asa ca reteta ta vine ca o adaugire placuta la cele ale noastre :)

  4. Zazuza, merci mult pt vizita si sa va fie numai de bine :))


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