
Apricot Preserve

It was the year when apricots were all over and people had more than needed... when signs on the road said "come and pick, will provide ladders".

Apricots is one of my favorite fruits... and I must say I am a little disappointed they lack in flavor while fresh but much more fragrant after cooking.
I have decided to can a few to have for the winter.
One very dear memory to me was a dish my grandmother used to make when apricot were in season.

Apricot stew and polenta


  1. ce multe caise ai pregatit!de reteta cu mamaliga inca nu am auzit,pe aici se face doar chiselita de visine cu mamaliga...dar eu nici de asta nu am gustat,deja nu se mai facea in casa noastra cind eram eu copil.

  2. Draga mea, cheselita de fapt se face din orice fruct. Imi place si aia de visine dar cea de caise e cea mai pe gustul meu.

    Incerca cu mamaliguta... una trebuie sa fie calda alta rece... ca asa e buna.


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